How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell (with Examples)

How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell (with Examples)

You have an excellent product image, a killer website, and a high-quality product, but no one is buying. Why? It is likely your product description that is causing the problem.

In my many years of experience in dropshipping, I know that site visitors read product descriptions. I could see this from video recordings of my website. The site visitors want to know what they are buying.

Today, I will share the things I learned about writing product descriptions. I will discuss the following: 

  • What product descriptions are
  • What copywriting does
  • How to write product descriptions that sell

Are you ready? Let’s dig in!

Key takeaways

  • Aggravate a customer’s problem and present your product as a solution
  • Use the seven deadly sins to appeal to a consumer’s emotions
  • Apply the principles of copywriting to write product descriptions that work

What does a product description do? 

According to Conversioner, 76% of consumers say that the product description is one of the most important aspects they look for when shopping online [1]. Then, they look for reviews and images. 

Your product description is your sales pitch. It tells the reader or the target consumer details about your product that a picture cannot tell. It is your product description that provides the following: 

  • What the product can do
  • The benefits of the product
  • What problem the product solves
  • Details why the consumer should buy

A product description is the result of copywriting. I will discuss copywriting in more detail later. In essence, your product description is what makes your listing stand out. It is the part of your listing that convinces the consumer to buy. 

Why is product description important?

Your product description is the very statement that provides additional information to your buyers. It is the equivalent of the label on a physical product in physical stores. 

Take a look at this product from FonePalPro, a print-on-demand company:

As you can see, there is nothing much about the image. You do not even know what it does, except it is the picture of an American Bald Eagle with an American flag background. 

Now, if you scroll down, you will see this: 

As you can see, the product description tells the target consumer many things. It is a functional desk décor and a phone display stand. 

Furthermore, the product description provides adequate details about the materials used, the quality of the print, and how the seller printed the image on the product. 

A product description is important because it is the very thing that convinces the reader to buy. Without it, a consumer sees nothing more than a picture. 

It does not matter how beautiful the picture is. Without a description, the target reader cannot know what makes the product special.

One thing I will add here is that not all product descriptions work. Many entrepreneurs fail to make a sale because they have bad product descriptions.

So, how do you do it right? The only way to write product descriptions that sell is through copywriting. 

What is copywriting? 

Copywriting is the art of convincing someone to take action (in written words). Any script used in marketing is the result of copywriting. When you write copy, you aim to convince the viewer or reader to do something.

What actions are these? Here are some examples: 

  • Click on a link
  • Make a purchase
  • Subscribe to an email 
  • Sign up for an account
  • Get the free trial

There are many actions that a consumer can take, and this particular action depends on you, the seller. Here at Dropship.IO, our main goal is to convince readers to try our software for free. It is why our landing page has several buttons that say, “Try for Free.”

Copywriting is a skill you need to create advertising copy. Without it, you will have difficulty convincing your site visitor or audience to buy. 

And no, copywriting is not just about saying, “Buy now!” or “20% discount!” Copywriting is more than that. 

The Basics of Copywriting

Now that we know what copywriting is, we must discuss its fundamentals. In this section, I will show you the basics of copywriting, which should prepare you to write product descriptions that sell. 

  1. The headline
  2. The problem 
  3. The solution or value proposition
  4. The objections 

Allow me to discuss each point.

1. The headline

The headline is the first statement a person sees in your ad or product description. Think of it as the headline for a newspaper article. 

There are many ways that you can write a good headline. However, it has to be short. In addition, it must grab the attention of the reader. 

Now, there are countless methods by which you can grab attention, and we cannot list all of them here. Below are some examples: 

  1. Clickbait – attract attention; the goal is to make a reader curious to read more
  2. Statistics – show studies or numbers to make the site visitor feel something or show more interest
  3. Scarcity or sense of urgency – a strategy that takes advantage of the fear-of-missing-out mentality 
  4. Problem or pain point and solution – resent the problems and the potential solution

Below are some examples of headlines for each type. 


“Do not buy another diabetes product until you have read this!”

“You would not believe what this product can do!”


“70% of people said this product is the only thing they need!”

“Your body has 600 muscles. What do you do to keep them healthy?”


“Only 1,000 of these are for sale!

“Get it now or never!”


“Forget about dying batteries; use ours!”

“Say goodbye to acne forever!”

We often use headlines for Facebook, Google, or other social media ads. However, nothing prevents you from using it in the product description.

Remember that a headline must be short, and its goal is to get a reader’s attention. You want that reader to stay on your product page and read more. If the headline is on an ad, it must convince the reader to click your link to the product page.

2. The problem 

The next aspect of copywriting is how you describe a problem. If a customer is already on your product page, it shows this person is interested in your offer. He is aware of the problem and that you can offer a solution. It is why he is on your webpage. 

However, if your product description lacks details about this problem, the consumer may not buy. What you want to do is to aggravate the problem. With this tactic, you will “remind” the site visitor of his situation and that you are here to solve it. 

Here are some examples of problem statements:

  • Tired of working out without results? 
  • Does your battery often die when you need your device? 
  • Do you often wake up with a pain in your neck? 

Most of the time, problem statements are in the form of a question. Why? Because you want the site visitor to agree with what you asked. You want the consumer to be in the same line of thought as you are. 

Most marketers use the seven deadly sins when presenting a problem. Here are the seven deadly sins and some example problem statements: 

  1. Greed – buy one, get one free for a limited time only!
  2. Sloth – use this product to unclog your toilet without breaking a sweat!
  3. Gluttony – subscribe to our product line, and you will never run out of vitamins!
  4. Lust – combine business and pleasure with our soft-cushion pillows!
  5. Wrath – beat your competition with our advanced mouse with macros and AI!
  6. Envy – your neighbors have it, why don’t you? Get our automated lawn mower; get rid of your old-fashioned machines!
  7. Pride – stand proud and make a difference! Wear our exclusive cologne and be the first to show it to the world!

Your problem statement does not always have to be a question. The key here is that you are targeting an emotion embedded in the customer’s heart. If you succeed, the customer has more reason to buy from you. 

3. The solution or value proposition

The third aspect of a good copy is the solution. Here, you want to present why your customer needs your product.

It is not enough that you list down the features of the product. It would help if you also concentrated on the benefits. I will discuss more about this in the next section. 

You must be straight to the point when presenting a solution. Do not make assumptions that the customer understands what the product does. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Gets rid of acne fast
  • Reduces the occurrence of pimples
  • It makes skin more revitalized
  • Battery life lasts 48 hours longer than ordinary batteries

My point is that even if your product’s name carries its purpose (i.e., Matt’s Acne Remover), you must tell the consumer what it does. Specifically, tell the customer what problem your product fixes, how, and how effective. 

4. The objections 

Finally, you want your product description to address potential objections. On the internet, you are not likely to have a chance to speak to a consumer. Many will not bother chatting with you even if you have a chat button. 

Because of this, you want to presume possible reasons why they would not buy and then address these issues in the product description. 

Here are some common problems they have: 

  • How long is the shipping? 
  • Is there a warranty? 
  • Is the product of good quality
  • Can I find cheaper versions from other sellers?

There is no single list of all these objections. In addition, an objection to someone else’s product may not apply to yours. 

One of the best ways to address these objections is by writing an FAQ page. Another way is to write down a Q&A portion, like what you see on Amazon. 

How to write product descriptions that sell

1. Know your ideal customer

The first step to writing a good copy or product description is to know your target market. No—saying that your target market is parents will not cut. This description is not enough. It would help if you did more than that. 

You must define your target person, which we will call an avatar. No, this is not a blue humanoid. Rather, it is a representation of the person who will your product. 

A good copy always starts with describing the person who will buy your product. This description includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Age and gender
  • Location 
  • Job or economic status
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Where the person hangs out online
  • Paint points or problems

Most people who write ad copy or product descriptions focus on general demographics, such as females or males. The problem with this is that the demographic is huge, and you will not target the right people. 

To create a product description that sells, you need to create an avatar that has the following: 

  • Fears
  • Desires
  • Solutions

The fear factor is what you want to know. What is it that your target market fears? The word “fear” does not necessarily mean “afraid.” It simply refers to the problem the target consumer does not want. 

The desire is what this avatar wants to achieve. Then, the solution is your product. The solution explains how the product can solve this problem, eliminate fear, or fulfill the target consumer’s expectations. 

Here is an example of a lipstick product: 

  • Fears – lipstick botches or fades
  • Desires – a lipstick that does not bleed through the day
  • Solution – your lipstick that has collage and special formulation

You can create a product description targeting a specific customer from these bullet points. You can write a product description that says:

  • Great for people who want their lips to stay healthy
  • Ideal for whole-day affairs; lipstick will not botch, dry out, or bleed out

As you can see, reading those points is much better than merely pointing out your product is on sale. It also does not make much sense to write about features. I will discuss this in detail in the next tip. 

2. Focus on the benefit, not the feature.

Consumers do not have the technical inclination to know the nitty-gritty of a product. One mistake I often see with dropshippers is that they focus too much on product features instead of benefits. 

This process is not wrong, but it is not enough. After all, you must tell the consumer the features of your product. Otherwise, you are not being transparent. 

What is a feature? What is a benefit? 

A feature is a property of an item. For example, size is a feature. Weight is also a feature. The same goes for materials, processor speed, raw ingredients, etc.

A feature, however, does not tell a consumer what the product can do. As a customer, I have no clue what 5000 mAh means when it comes to lithium batteries. 

However, if you tell me that the phone will last for 48 hours on standby, I would be more likely to show interest in your product. 

  • Feature – 5000mAh
  • Benefit – last 48 hours on standby mode

Customers want to buy benefits, not features. So, while writing down the quality of the product is standard practice, you must include the benefits. 

The approach I usually take is I combine both in bullet points. I name the feature and then explain the benefits that come with it. 

Here is an example of a phone display stand product: 

  • Made of hardboard and plastic – it does not crack or break down even if it gets wet
  • Two-piece construction – you can easily disassemble the product for storage; it does not take up a lot of space
  • Glossy finish – enjoy a vibrant atmosphere; the print lasts for years and maintains its color
  • 3 inches by 6 inches – does not occupy too much space on your desk when in use

As you can see, how I wrote the product’s benefits and features gives my customer more reason to buy the item. Although I wrote the features, I also explained what these features do. More importantly, I explained how these things can affect the consumer’s life. 

In this regard, I want to add that I addressed several issues like fear, desire, and results. The customer fears the product quality may be bad, which I said is not. I wrote in the ad copy that the board and plastic are sturdy. 

Another fear is that the print may fade. I said it would not disappear because the image is glossy, and the product will retain its vibrant color for years. 

If you do this, you have better chances of convincing the customer or site visitor to purchase. Without benefits, your feature list is empty words that do not resonate with the customer. 

3. Make it about them, not you

Many dropshippers write product descriptions that address themselves. What does this mean? Let us say that you are selling drones. The typical description of a drone goes like this: 

  • The camera is 12 MP
  • The camera operates at 2.4GHz
  • 6-axis drone
  • Rechargeable battery
  • The warranty is six months

To a dropshipper, this product description is enough. After all, the dropshipper knows what drones do. As you can see, this is similar to pointing out features that do not tell a customer anything. In this regard, however, you want the consumer to make a connection between your product and his life. 

Here is an example: 

“Tired of drones that capture pixelated videos and images when on air? Try our drones that have 12 MP cameras! You can take 1080p up to 4K resolution video from as high as 50 feet!”

In this ad copy, you describe the product so the consumer feels you are talking to him. In the copy, you presented what your target consumer is feeling. Essentially, you are sending a message telling him, “I understand what you are going through.” 

There are other things I want to point out:

  • Do not make the consumer feel stupid; do this, and they will not buy what you sell
  • Do not talk in circles; be straightforward, but do not use business jargon
  • Use short sentences; speak in simple terms that are easy to understand

When writing a product description, think of it as writing a letter to a friend. Let us say that your friend’s name is Jimmy. Your letter would look like this:

“Hey Jimmy, I heard you are looking for a drone that can fly 50 meters up and still take 1080p resolution videos. I have found one called Drone 7000. 

This drone should take your business to the next level. The drone has a 6-axis flight controller, which allows you to balance it in many ways, maintain level, and fight wind and gravity forces. 

Furthermore, the lithium battery is easily rechargeable. It takes only 30 minutes of charging to fill it up, and you are good to go again. By the way, parts and services come with a six-month warranty. The services are free, and you can ask for free replacements for some parts.” 

If you look closely, what product description will sell it better, the bullet points or this letter? It is the latter. Whenever you write a copy or product description, think of the consumer as your friend you want to help out. 

4. Present a problem and agitate it

A good product description presents a problem and offers a solution. While this approach is what we usually see in ads, it also works best in product descriptions.

Here is an example: 

“90% of people say their drone batteries die at the most crucial moment during a shoot. As such, they lose the momentum they worked hard for. 

Not with us!

Our drones come with the latest battery technology, lasting eight hours in flight. Yes, eight hours in flight!”

As you can see from that statement, the product description addressed a fundamental issue in the drone industry, particularly for photographers and videographers. 

The problem is that people lose a critical shot when their batteries die. They need to replace that battery and then start all over again. But this issue is unlikely to happen with the seller’s drone.  

Of course, you must back up your statistics with real data—take it from reliable sources or create your case study. The one I showed earlier is only an example. 

Product Description FAQs

How do you write a product description example?

Follow a format that addresses the following: problem, solution, benefits, and advantage of your product over others. Ensure that your ad addresses the pain point of the customer.  

What should I write for my product description?

You must write the benefits of your product, not just the features. Your product must also attempt to “speak to the emotion” of your target consumer. You cannot do this unless you have a clear idea of who your target buyer is.  

How do you write a product description step by step?

The first step is to know your customer, which you can do by creating an avatar. Next, list down what the customer’s potential problems are. Finally, you must create an ad copy that addresses these problems. 


A product description is one key component of a successful dropshipping store. You may have the best images, but if your product description lacks value, your site visitor will not buy.

The next step is to sign up for a 7-day free trial account with us. Why? Because with our tool, you can find products that have high sales. From there, you can visit the seller’s site and learn how they wrote their product descriptions.