12 Best Examples of Facebook Clothing Ads & How to Find More

12 Best Examples of Facebook Clothing Ads & How to Find More

Facebook is the default social media platform for advertising, especially for clothing. The question that many dropshippers have is: what kinds of clothing ads work?

To answer this question, I have to draw on my advertising experience. In addition, I used the Ad Spot tool to find winning clothing ads on Facebook that will show us hard stats. 

In this article, I will discuss: 

  • Examples of Facebook clothing ads
  • Things that make clothing ads succeed
  • The benefits of advertising on Facebook for a clothing business

Key takeaways: 

  • Clothing ads that appeal to a niche market work better than generic ads
  • You need to learn copywriting to make your clothing ads successful
  • It is a good idea to use art and UGC to succeed in Facebook clothing ad campaigns

Are you ready to see the best Facebook clothing ads? Let us begin!  

12 Best Examples of Clothing Ads

Here are 12 examples of clothing ads.

1. Peackfoather

  • Reactions – 25,600
  • Comments – 2,900
  • Shares – 1,500

Why This Ad Works

This ad is a simplistic one that uses art. As you can see, nobody is even wearing the shirt, and yet the image stands out. The image background is nothing more than a brown palette and an image of wood planks that was probably taken from a free image site like Pixabay. 

Notice the box plate where the buttons go? It is brown, and the person who made this ad emphasized it. Overall, it is the color contrast that made this look good.

2. Veteran Family

  • Reactions – 115,400
  • Comments – 5,600
  • Shares – 47,700

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because of its message. If you think about it, there is nothing special in the design. You can find this image (the American flag with soldiers) on sites like Creative Fabrica. 

What makes this a winning ad is the political message embedded in the shirt. It targets people who are tired of what is going on in the political climate in America. 

If you take the time to read the comments on the ad, most of the commenters said “Amen.” People express their agreement with the sentiments of the shirt’s creator.  

3. Guardian Angel Collection

  • Reactions – 163,000
  • Comments – 11,000
  • Shares – 76,000

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because it appeals to people who love their father. The design is not even that great, as it is nothing more than a heart and a pair of what seemingly look like wings.

Going through the ad’s comments, one can see that a majority of the people who commented are those whose fathers passed away. Again—it is an ad that appeals to emotion, which is a critical component t of copywriting. 

4. ElieSob

  • Reactions – 11,500
  • Comments – 5,400
  • Shares – 4,400

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because it is comedic, yet it has a tinge of politically motivated ideas in it. The target market is also clear—married women who love their husbands, particularly women whose husbands probably play a lot of video games or collect comic books. 

Going through the comments, most of these are women who agree with the statement, or women who do not regret not getting married. 

The ad works because it is funny, and the statement is borderline challenging or offensive but still retains its humor. Essentially, this ad works because many people can relate to it.

5. Rada Brand

  • Reactions – 5,700
  • Comments – 3,400
  • Shares – 1,700

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because of symmetry. It works best for people who are in love with what we call athleisure. It is the kind of clothing that people can wear casually—they can go for a jog without the need to wear clothing too specific for working out. The clothing pair also comes in several designs, as shown below: 

This is a non-English ad, so I took some time to translate the comments. Most of these comments asked the seller how much the pair cost. There were also comments about the generation that this clothing is for—young and hardworking people.

This brand works because it fits into the mindset of the current generation—balancing style, physical workout, and jobs.

6. Privi Fashion 

  • Reactions – 11,300
  • Comments – 3,600
  • Shares – 1,600

Why This Ad Works

This error is commonplace when accessing web pages that are no longer active. As such, many people can relate to this design. Add to that the fact that it is a hoodie, and you have masterfully created an ad that appeals to a huge population of internet users. 

The ad works because of its simplicity. It is nothing more than a piece of clothing, and yet the message appeals not only to millennials but to a wider audience and a younger generation. 

Upon further investigation, most of the comments here are about the price. Many people asked the seller how much the hoodie was and how much the delivery charge was going to be.

7. Bee Pumpkin

  • Reactions – 14,700
  • Comments – 3,800
  • Shares – 2,000

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because it appeals to families. As we can see, each shirt has a different print, and this print represents the person wearing it. The thing with this ad is that it is geared towards the Holidays. 

You can certainly work out something different. What I mean is that you can create a similar store but with a different theme. You do not have to limit yourself to the Holidays. 

One thing that stands out in the comment section is that people merely typed the names of their friends in the comments. It is like tagging someone, and that someone gets notified, opens his Facebook app, and sees this ad. As a result, a lot of people saw this ad and the advertiser did not even have to pay for those views.

8. Awesome T-Shirts

  • Reactions – 50,700
  • Comments – 2,200
  • Shares – 28,200

Why This Ad Works

The right to own a gun is a serious debate in the United States. This ad works because it appeals to Republicans and its supporters—a political party that maintains conservative values and gun rights. The ad is simple, but it does carry a strong message that guns are not the problem—people are. 

Combing through the comments section, I found out that many people agree with the message of this shirt. With over 29,000 shares, the people who shared it not only had rough views and traffic to this store, but they also shared their principles—the message is a political advocacy that they support. 

9. Cogoup

  • Reactions – 19,200
  • Comments – 2,600
  • Shares – 2,900

Why This Ad Works

With 2,900 shares, this ad has over 2.4 million views! It works because the two pairs of legs do not have a body—it is unique.

In addition, this ad is a video that showcases all the zippers and pockets that the cargo pants offer. The video is also short and takes only 19 seconds of the viewer’s time. 

On top of that, the video also showed the pants being used as a substitute for a rope. They used it to pull a truck. Overall, the ad works because the video shows everything that the pair of pants can do in less than 20 seconds. 

10. Cuddle Clones

  • Reactions – 16,300
  • Comments – 3,800
  • Shares – 2,100

Why This Ad Works

This ad works because it appeals to pet owners. The message is also clear: the seller will print your pet’s image on pajamas. In addition, the message at the top of the image says that a portion of the purchase goes to animal charity programs, which makes it even more appealing to pet lovers.

Reading through the comments, there are people in here who placed an order and are satisfied with the product. There was one who said that the pajamas were soft. Some commenters also asked if the seller prints birds. The seller is also highly responsive in the comment section. 

11. LITB Fashion Collection

  • Reactions – 15,600
  • Comments – 3,500
  • Shares – 2,400

Why This Ad Works

This clothing brand is on fire because it did something out of the ordinary. Usually, we wear formal suits that are either plain or striped. This company created fun suits. 

The ad works because the product glares at the consumer’s face. It is as unique as it can get, and the red color, along with the snowy backdrop, makes the ad viewer think of how fun and unique this clothing is going to be.

12. Pink Laura

  • Reactions – 9,300
  • Comments – 2,300
  • Shares – 1,700

Why This Ad Works

This ad works primarily because of how unique it is. Most stockings are made of nylon or polyester, but this is one that you can wear out in public and be proud of. 

The ad is a video, and it shows a woman wearing stockings. Although the video is only 17 seconds long, the ad creator managed to show how comfortable the stockings are—perfect for winter, comfy and warm, and fit many leg sizes.

What Makes a Clothing Ad Work?

Clothing ads work because they meet certain components. One cannot just whip out an ad for clothing and expect people to like what they see. On one hand, many experts will tell you to build a brand, but then nobody really explains what a brand is. In this section, I will provide some tips on how to make your clothing ads work.

1. Show a Lifestyle

The first thing you want to do with your clothing ad is to show a lifestyle. You can do this with videos and images. Lifestyle refers to the kind of life that a person who wears your clothes has. 

For example, if you are selling formal clothing for men, you want to show a man wearing your clothes at a formal event or party, just chilling with a glass of scotch in his hand.

If you are selling bikinis and swimwear, you want to show people wearing your clothing on a beach, basking under the sun, sipping their Piña Coladas. 

The lifestyle you show in your ad has a tremendous impact on your clothing ad. People who see it would feel a connection with your brand and the lifestyle you want them to have. 

2. Show a Personality

You can either work with influencers on this one or hire your own models. There are many people out there on Fiverr and Upwork who are willing to do modeling jobs for you. To do this, you need to pay them for their modeling services, photography or videography services, and also send them the clothing you want them to wear. 

Here are some examples of personalities:

  • Career woman – typically wears semi-formal or smart casual clothes; has a handbag, is serious, and has full make-up on.
  • Carefree personality – applies mostly to younger generations; they are happy with what they do, and you typically see them smiling or laughing with their skateboards.    
  • Casual person – this person wears with no high regard for what people would say. Usually, this is a guy who wears denim and shirts, not formal clothing.
  • Expressionist – the expressionist is someone who wears an unusual kind of style; we can say it is punk, goth, etc. This mood is great for clothing brands that want to target people into art or music.  

Personality does not only refer to the person—it also has something to do with the mood that the person is trying to convey. There are more personalities out there, and it is up to you to explore these personalities according to the types of clothing you sell. 

3. Show Art

Sometimes, you do not even have to work with models to create a clothing ad that works. However, you would need to spend some time creating artwork that carries your clothing line. 

Take a look at this photo: 

As you can see, it looks like a face, but it is not. It is a photo of a pair of jeans, folded in a way to depict a human face.

Here is another one: 

Again, the product here is jeans, and they did not use a real human being. Instead, they used a statue. You can either buy a statue or hire a graphic artist to render an image like this. 

4. Show UGC

The last approach you can use is to use user-generated content. Allow your buyers to post images of themselves wearing your products and post them on your Instagram or Facebook accounts.

This marketing strategy is a tad difficult to do. What you can do is launch a contest and offer a prize. Only those who bought items from you are eligible to participate.

User-generated content, or UGC, is a great way to build credibility. People who see UGC know that those people are just like them—buyers and consumers who were never paid to promote someone’s products.  

Why Should You Invest in Clothing Ads on Facebook? 

Should you even advertise on Facebook? Is it worth the expense? Yes, it is worth the expense, and below are the benefits of doing so. 

  • Store Traffic – you are competing with thousands of people who sell clothing. In addition, no one would likely find your online store organically unless you blog about it often. Ads on Facebook will get you out of that problem—people who see your ads will click on them and then they get rerouted to your online store.  
  • Brand Credibility – companies that advertise on Facebook have credibility. If people see the word “sponsored” on a post, it pretty much tells them that this company is legit. Why else would a company spend money on advertising if it is not a legitimate business, right?  
  • Wide Reach – Facebook has billions of users monthly. The sheer size of the platform makes it possible for you to reach not just local consumers but international buyers.   
  • Ad Analytics – Facebook provides you with analytics about how your ads perform. You can split your analytics and see the gender, age group, and which countries are responding positively to your ad.

Advertising on Facebook, and also Instagram, are your best bets when it comes to marketing a clothing line or store. Sure, there will be some pitfalls along the way, but these are all part of growing your business. 

How to Find More Clothing Ads?

If you are new to creating clothing ads, I am glad to tell you that our tool, Ad Spot, can help you with finding the best ads on Facebook. 

All the ads I showed you earlier are from this tool. In this section, I will show you how to use the Dropship.IO Ad Spot tool to find winning clothing ads on Facebook.

After logging in, click on the AD Spot tool to the left, and you will see the Ad Spot filters and search boxes:

From here, you can begin typing the keywords and also toggle the filter options to the right. In this demonstration, I toggled the following: 

  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares

I also selected photo ads only. After that, you can now click SEARCH. From here, you need to scroll down to see something like this: 

A collage of images of clothesDescription automatically generated

There are many more ads below this, so you just need to keep scrolling down. What you want to review now are the stats like:

  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares

If we take a look at the second ad, the denims from GENIUS JEANS, we can see that it has 23,000 reactions, 3,000+ comments, and 1,500 shares. From here, we can click on the Shop Now button and see what this clothing seller has to offer.

After clicking SHOP NOW, I found myself in the advertiser’s online store. 

The brand is called Spanx, and it operates its clothing store via Shopify. If you have Dropship.IO and installed the Google Chrome extension, the system will prompt you to track a store if it is running on the Shopify platform. 

On top of the ad, you will see this: 

If you click on VIEW MORE, you will see several variations of this ad, as shown below: 

If you click on the Facebook icon, you will see the actual ad on Facebook (if it is still active). From here you can scroll down and view the comment section. 

You can do this process over and over and see what winning ads have in common. After doing this exercise, spying on Facebook ads for clothing, I am sure you will have an idea of how to create a Facebook clothing ad that will bring traffic and sales to your business.

What I recommend that you do is to use our Ad Spot tool. Sign up for a free account and you can use your own keywords to find viral ads on Facebook.

From what I have shown you, you can tell that these marketers did not only enjoy views from Facebook’s impressions but also from people who saw the ad because their friends tagged them or shared the ads with them.

FAQ: Best Examples of Facebook Clothing Ads

How do I advertise my clothes?

You can advertise your clothes on Facebook with videos and photos. You can use our Ad Spot tool to get ideas about what makes clothing ads get attention, traffic, and sales.

How do I write a clothing ad?

You must learn copywriting techniques to write clothing ads. If you want to learn more, I suggest you read our blog, How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

How do you advertise in fashion?

You can advertise on various platforms. What matters really is the message you send to your viewers. They must see the clothing; better yet, show ads of your clothing in use by a person.  


The next step I recommend that you do is sign up for a 7-day free trial account with Dropship. IO. Use our Ad Spot system and find winning ads not just for clothing, but for all product types.  

In addition, you can also use our platform to find winning products, track stores and products, and spy on Shopify stores to see their financial performance, and what apps they use to succeed in dropshipping.